It's the simple things in life that you should always remember to never stop smiling about!...Like this penguin hoodie and sock set that my best friend gave me for Christmas, or a baby cousin, or a snowman that's taller than you are! These little things should never fail to make one happy and smile!
My Last Duchess, by Robert Browning, is the portrayal of a disturbed and demented mind. It is written in the form of a dramatic monologue from the perspective of a Duke who killed his first wife and is now showing a painting of his first wife to an envoy who has been sent to arrange the Duke's second marriage. The Duke's first wife was always smiling, and even in her painting she continues to smile. She was easily impressed by trivial things, for they were "cause enough for calling up that spot of joy" and were things the Duke thought she shouldn't smile about. He was an arrogant, proud man who viewed his wife as a possession, much like he viewed the sculpture of a seahorse. When we first read this poem and discussed how the woman was always smiling, it reminded me of myself, for I am often told at work and with my friends that I am always smiling. The summer that Diary Queen was opening up to incorporate Orange Julius into its building, the owners came over to eat lunch at Wendy's as their building was still under construction and not open for business yet. I was on front cash at the time and took their order and the pair commented on my smile, saying how gorgeous it was and that I looked so happy. They offered me a job at Diary Queen and Orange Julius if I wanted, just because I was friendly and had a nice smile! And then, just recently, while I was at work, a coworker was introducing a new staff member to everyone working and when she got to me, she introduced me as the one who never stops smiling!